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Bully Floaters

Floater disc available in 3 sizes (.065, .075, .085)

Bully Aluminum Jackshaft Pulley Ring

57 tooth, 30mm wide aluminum pulley. This pulley is used in conjunction with Bully aluminum pulley hubs (BUL151-034).

Bully Aluminum Baskets

Blue, aluminum basket used for 2 or 3 disc Bully clutches.

Bully Steel Basket

Steel basket for use on the 3 and 4 disc Jackshaft clutch.

Bully Jackshaft Sprockets

Jackshaft clutch sprocket. Uses new style snap ring (098-028) to attach sprocket to basket.

Bully 3 Disc 4 Cycle Drive Hub

Bully 3 disc drive hub. Used on all 3 disc clutches with 6 springs. This drive hub is for SIX SPRING clutches

Bully 4-Disk Drive Hub, ¾”

Vented drive hub for the 4 disc Turbo Jackshaft Clutch.